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Supporting ‘I Have a Daughter in Anatolia, she will be a Teacher’ Project

BASISTEK Information Technologies, which is aware of its social responsibilities, has donated for several girls living in Anatolia, on behalf of 82 women to help them have a good future through Association for the Support of Contemporary Living (ÇYDD) within the context of International Women’s Day.

With the support given to ‘’I have a Daughter in Anatolia, she will be a Teacher’’ scholarship project, an important attempt has been made by contributing to the growth of powerful and enlightened women who can stand on their own feet while taking a big step for our girls’ education and future.

Thanks certificates signed by ÇYDD Chairperson Dr. Ayşe Yüksel has been sent to 82 women and scholarship support has been announced on March 8, International Women’s Day.

Announcement message included these lines:

‘’As how possible a bird flies with only one wing, so possible for a modern society to stand with only one gender. A society can move towards modernization only if equal opportunities are provided to all individuals. We believe that women should have equal conditions with men to leave a contemporary country to our children and grandchildren and believe that this can be made through education.’’

With this feeling and thoughts, Happy International Women’s Day to all laborer, powerful women who does not make compromise gender equality, not give up their rights, not lose self-belief and self-confidence.

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