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BASISTEK Redefining the Conditions of the IT Market

In addition to the challenge and obstacles that we have experienced in our daily life during Covid-19 pandemic, it made unprecedentedly in our business and the way we conduct business.

The strong companies that can act quickly succeeded not getting affected from the crisis environment and even increase their numbers by adapting their organizations to ‘new normal’ conformable.

When the changing market and sales conditions are taken into account, concepts also continue to become the most foundation for maintainable success to bring benefit, offer social benefit and add value in addition to the responsibilities of companies to their customers, business partners and team.

Following market dynamics very well, acting brave on condition of keeping the risk minimum on the way to change, making long-term plans to take existing brand value forward became the most of the companies especially which operate in IT sector.

Cooperation with Universities

BASISTEK Information Technologies Inc. General Director Mehmet Ali Ceylan explained that he has developed cooperation in this context with universities by starting workings with Yıldız Techical University School of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof.Dr. İbrahim Kırcova on the changing market and sales conditions.

With the cooperation of BASISTEK which was awarded as Partner of the Year, by MicroFocus which is one of the biggest software companies in the world, by catching a big business volume during pandemic, with Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kırcova, BASISTEK started to take new steps on ranging its customer-oriented approach and the principles of being a center of excellence up by focusing on products.

BASISTEK Will Add Value to A Wider Mass

BASISTEK which is among the sector leading companies with the consultancy of Information Technologies Infrastructure Management and Information Management Solutions carried out many big projects in our sector with the cooperation with the biggest software companies such as Micro Focus and Oracle since it had been founded.

In 2019, new steps were taken to take BASISTEK Information Technologies forward and it started to work new sector leading companies in their field such as Automation Anywhere and New Relic.

BASISTEK, which brings advantages to companies in all scales especially on business flow and customizing, continue to meet customer needs by starting to offer its software products that it developed in both domestic and foreign market.

Who is Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kırcova?

Prof. Drç İbrahim Kırcova is an Associate at the School of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Yıldız Technical University. İbrahim Kırcova, who teaches Marketing Management, Electronic Commerce, Interactive Marketing, Marketing on the Internet, Marketing Research and International Marketing, has presented in many conferences in Turkey and abroad.

He also has written many books called İşletmeler arası Elektronik Ticaret ve İnternette Ticaret ve Hukuksal Sorunlar, Mobil Ticaret Rehberi, E-Devlet ve Ekonomiye Etkileri, E-Tedarik Sistemi, Kredi Kartı Kullanmanın Harcama Alışkanlıklarına Etkisi, Türkiye’de Otomotiv Ticaretinin Gelecek On Yılı (ortak çalışma), E-ihracat. He edited the translation of the best-selling marketing book called Marketing Management by Philip Kotler and Kevin L. Keller. İbrahim Kırcova, who serve in Turkey Marketing Association and Turkish Heart Foundation, is also moderator of search conferences, decision conferences and focus group conferences.

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